I have a microphone that works pretty decent and I can do a load of voices of many different tones and pitches. I can do famous voices, such as George Bush Jr., Arnold Schwarzenegger, and even Elmo, or I can do types of voices, such as a shy person or a demonic creature of some sort. I want to help NG members that make flash but can't find a good voice actor. I'm defenitely not going to charge anything right now since I'm just starting out. I'm probably not as good as some voice actors on this site, such as Rina-chan, but I really want to try. If anyone reading this needs a voice actor, just ask me in a comment or send me a message via inbox and I'll reply ASAP.
It would help a LOT if you posted a voice demo in the audio portal.
...yeah that's true, but I have two problems: First, even though I can record, I don't know the software needed that has the only format NG needs. My recordings cant be posted there for some reason unless it's a certain format that I can't get. Second problem is that I don't really know what to write as script. I can write stories, but that wouldn't be great for a voice demo, would it? anyways, thanks for the comment, hope someone can help me out so i can help other people (god I type a lot)